We need to accelerate change now. Together.
Continued deforestation, biodiversity loss, and millions of children growing up without access to quality education are having a huge negative impact at both local and global levels.
To ensure a sustainable future for both people and the planet, we must accelerate change and scale up efforts beyond what we see today.
Challenges are great, but so are the opportunities and the commitment of people and organizations working tirelessly to make change happen - despite resource constraints, challenging political contexts and limited organizational capacity.
We provide catalytic support - enabling organizations to overcome financial and capacity constraints to accelerate impact at scale.
Our aim is to strengthen the supply of highly effective solutions while growing the demand for such solutions among governments and funders. Always seeking collaborations, partnerships and alignment with government policies. Never working in isolation from broader collective efforts.
We apply three main levers of change to drive impact and accelerate progress in our focus areas. Through strategic grants, capacity-building partnerships, and bold initiatives, we aim to empower organizations, inspire innovation, and amplify meaningful actions for a better future.
Through our network and sourcing processes, we identify high-performing organizations and use grants as the primary means of support. For our international work, we do not accept unsolicited proposals.
For selected partner organizations we aim to provide value beyond the grant by providing access to network of funders and peer organizations as well as our communication platform and capacity strengthening support.
To drive change and inspire action, we initiate or co-develop initiatives where we see potential to accelerate collective impact.
Collaboration at Our Core
Grantees of the Hempel Foundation are considered as partners with which we share a common commitment and vision for change.
Our partners include international and national place-based non-governmental organizations delivering specific services for people either in landscapes or in schools with the aim of improving life for communities, parents, teachers and children.
It also include organizations working to change overarching [education or conservation] systems and structures as well as policies through better data, awareness-raising, and institutional strengthening - whether at the national level in conservation or within specific organizations.